Tuesday, 11 June 2013

America Attacks the "Mixed Race" Cheerios Commercial


After the American Cheerios Commercial of the "mixed race" family featuring a white mother, a black father, and a biracial child caused many commotion from many different backgrounds and religious groups, Cheerios fights back, claiming that they tried to portray a true average American family.

Good for Cheerios.
Just the fact that a big company would step out and defend the fictitious family that they created means a lot, and it just shows how scared the world is to admit that we do have a majority of biracial families. This is going to be another ground breaking brand or company that doesn't care about how scared America is of change. First with the Target commerical featuring two moms on Mother's Day, and two dads in a regular commercial, and now this. I'm very proud to see that we are more or less trying to open the world's eyes.

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