Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Bench Project: Cover Letter


The Bench Project was an assignment my English 12 teacher Mr. Hallam gave out that I found very interesting. I never really thought of the emotional memories behind the bench until now, and frankly I was intrigued. I have always been one for emotional meanings behind things, and having a memorial or item left for a loved one. I have pieces that I wear when I go traveling so that I always have my family with me, and that is why this project really interested me. 
I wrote down an experience I had with my mother downtown in Oppenheimer Park, and all my feelings were strong and true. 
I hope that whom ever reads this feels just as passionate as I did thinking of all the benches that are dedicated to people who have passed or in some cases... 
Someone just wanted to buy all the benches in front of his building.
 (he knew his neighbors wanted one, apparently)
Either way, I hope you enjoy my thoughts on the subject.

Dani McLaughlin

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